12 november 2023

Augmented reality in marketing and advertising in the UAE

Ilya Zmienko
"Svyazi" agency founder


In an era marked by rapid technological evolution, augmented reality has emerged as a revolutionary tool, transcending the traditional boundaries of marketing and advertising. The United Arab Emirates, a nation synonymous with luxury, innovation, and economic diversification, has embraced this cutting-edge technology, integrating it into the very fabric of its commercial practices. This paper aims to delve into the transformative impact of AR within the marketing and advertising sector in the UAE, exploring its implications for consumer engagement, brand development, and the creation of immersive, interactive campaigns that captivate the cosmopolitan audience of the region.

As the UAE continues to position itself as a global hub for technology and commerce, the incorporation of AR in marketing strategies represents a natural progression in its market evolution. The convergence of AR with the nation’s robust digital infrastructure has unlocked novel avenues for marketers to craft experiences that were once the realm of science fiction. From virtual try-ons in the bustling malls of Dubai to interactive billboards in the heart of Abu Dhabi, AR is redefining how brands connect with consumers, enabling personalized interactions that resonate with the tech-savvy population.

This paper will first outline the current state of AR technology and its adoption in global marketing practices, setting the stage for a more in-depth examination of its role in the UAE. It will then scrutinize the unique market dynamics of the Emirates, characterized by high internet penetration rates, a youthful demographic, and an appetite for luxury and innovation, which collectively present a fertile ground for AR’s growth. The following sections will examine case studies of successful augmented reality campaigns by both local and international brands in the UAE, pinpointing the main factors that drove their effectiveness and consumer engagement.

The Importance of New Technologies in Modern Marketing

Precision and Personalization:

Today’s consumers anticipate a tailored experience. Advanced technologies empower marketers to handle vast data sets, discern patterns, and deliver content tailored to individual preferences.

Engagement and Immersion:

In this digital age, characterized by fleeting attention spans, captivating content is paramount. Technologies like Virtual Reality (VR), AR, and Mixed Reality pave the way for an immersive environment, making marketing campaigns more interactive and engaging.

Measurement and Analytics:

One of the paramount advantages of digital marketing technologies, including AR in digital marketing, is the capability to measure campaign efficacy in real-time. Cutting-edge analytics tools provide insights into user behavior, allowing for timely strategy adjustments.

How AR Technology Influences Marketing and Consumers

Enhanced Product Visualization:

For marketers, this offers the opportunity to showcase products in an interactive environment. Consumers can visualize a product in the real world before making a purchase, thus reducing the uncertainty often associated with online shopping.

Interactive Branding Experiences:

Brands can craft memorable experiences by integrating AR into their advertising campaigns. For instance, an advertisement poster can come to life on a user’s smartphone, immersing them in the brand’s narrative.

Elevated Consumer Decision-making Efficiency:

AR allows consumers to instantly access additional layers of information. Whether it’s reviews, product specifications, or price comparisons, consumers can make more informed decisions on the spot.

Bridging Online and Offline:

By blurring the lines between the digital and physical realms, retailers can leverage AR to drive online traffic to physical stores and vice versa. For example, an AR application might guide a user to the nearest store where they can see a product firsthand after its virtual preview.
In the ever-evolving realm of modern marketing, the role of new technologies is pivotal. Among them, AR stands out for its transformative potential. As brands aim to forge deeper connections and consumers demand richer experiences, AR provides the tools to meet and exceed these expectations. The fusion of digital information with the real world promises not only to reshape marketing strategies but also to redefine the consumer experience in the digital age.

Basics of AR Technology

What is Augmented Reality?

Augmented Reality (AR) is a cutting-edge technology that has rapidly gained popularity in recent years, altering our perceptions of interacting with the world around us.

At its simplest, augmented reality overlays digital elements, such as images, videos, or interactive 3D models, onto the real world using various display devices, including smartphones, tablets, smart glasses, and headsets. These digital overlays can serve various purposes:
  • Providing real-time product information,
  • Guiding the user in performing a complex task,
  • Even offering thrilling gaming experiences.
The versatility of augmented reality is one of its most appealing features, as it finds applications in diverse sectors — from education and healthcare to entertainment and manufacturing.

The AR Experience: Convergence of the Real and Digital

To grasp the essence of augmented reality, consider the following scenario: imagine wearing AR glasses and exploring a city. As you stroll through its historic streets, information about landmarks, historical events, and nearby restaurants seamlessly appears in your field of view. This information is presented as digital overlays on the transparent screen of the glasses, enhancing your perception of the real world but not replacing it.

Technically, AR is achieved by tracking the user’s physical location and orientation in real-time, then overlaying digital content onto the image, aligning it with physical objects.

This ability to merge the real and digital realms distinguishes AR from its close relative — Virtual Reality (VR).

Difference between Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

The terms "augmented reality" and "virtual reality" are often used interchangeably, but they represent distinct technological paradigms. The primary distinction lies in how deeply each technology immerses the user into the digital realm.
Augmented Reality:

Blends the real and the digital:

AR integrates digital content into the real world, enhancing the user’s perception of the physical environment.

Interaction with reality:

Users can simultaneously interact with both digital and real-world objects.


Smartphone applications like Pokémon GO, AR navigation tools, and "smart glasses" applications.
Virtual Reality (VR):

Immersion in a digital world:

VR places the user in a fully digital environment, isolating them from the physical world.

No interaction with reality:

Users interact solely with the digital environment, often using specialized controllers.


VR games, immersive simulators, and virtual meetings.
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Key Differences:


AR extends the real world, while VR completely replaces it.


In AR, users maintain interaction with the real world, whereas in VR, they interact only with the virtual environment.

Use Cases:

AR is applied across various sectors, from education to industry, while VR is predominantly used in gaming and simulators.
Understanding these distinctions between AR and VR is crucial for recognizing the potential and limitations of each technology. In the subsequent chapters, we will delve deeper into the mechanics, hardware, and applications of augmented reality, exploring the incredible opportunities it unveils in the realms of education, healthcare, business, and entertainment.

Augmented Reality in Advertising

In the context of an ever-evolving advertising industry, the ability to captivate and engage consumers is paramount. Augmented reality has emerged as a revolutionary tool, breathing new life into traditional advertising methods. This chapter delves into the advantages of using AR in advertising and how this technology effectively retains consumer attention in an increasingly digital and rapidly changing world.

Interactive and Immersive Experience:

Augmented reality transforms static advertising into a dynamic and interactive experience. Traditional print ads or static online banners can convey limited information. In contrast, AR allows consumers to engage with a product or brand, explore its features, and even visualize how it fits into their own lives. By overlaying digital content onto the real world, AR establishes a potent emotional connection between the brand and the consumer.

Enhanced Product Visualization:

One of the most intriguing applications of AR in advertising is the ability to visualize a product in the real world before making a purchase. Whether it’s trying on virtual clothing, arranging furniture in a room, or test-driving a car, AR enables consumers to make more informed decisions. This not only reduces purchase hesitations but also enhances customer satisfaction and minimizes returns.

Engagement and Shareability:

AR advertising campaigns often go viral due to their captivating nature and shareability. Users are more inclined to share their AR experiences on social media, creating a ripple effect that broadens the campaign’s reach. This organic word-of-mouth marketing is invaluable and can significantly enhance brand recognition and reputation.

Data Collection and Analytics:

AR advertising platforms can gather valuable data on user interactions and behaviors. This information can be used to refine marketing strategies and tailor advertising content to specific audiences. Advertisers gain insights into what captures their audience’s attention, allowing for continuous optimization of advertising campaigns.

Brand Differentiation:

In a saturated advertising landscape, standing out is a formidable challenge. AR not only differentiates a brand but also positions it as innovative and forward-thinking. Consumers are more likely to remember and engage with brands that utilize AR to create memorable experiences.

The Significance of AR for Brands

Enhancing Customer Engagement:

AR offers brands a potent tool to elevate customer engagement. By providing an immersive and interactive experience, brands can forge deeper connections with their audience. Such engagement not only increases the time consumers spend with the brand but also encourages them to actively partake in the brand’s narrative.

Memorable Impressions:

AR enables brands to craft memorable impressions for their audience. Through AR, brands can narrate stories and convey messages in a unique and unforgettable manner. The element of surprise and novelty in AR can leave an indelible mark, increasing the likelihood that consumers will retain and resonate with the brand.

Innovation and Differentiation:

Integrating AR into branding and marketing strategies positions a brand as innovative and visionary. This sets the brand apart from competitors and showcases a commitment to evolving with the times. This can be especially beneficial in industries where differentiation is challenging.

Insightful Data:

AR advertising and branding campaigns allow for the collection of valuable data on consumer interactions and behaviors. This information aids in understanding consumer preferences and refining marketing strategies. Brands can harness this data for continuous optimization of their campaigns and targeting specific audience segments.

Word-of-Mouth Marketing:

A successful AR experience often leads to organic word-of-mouth marketing. Users are more inclined to share their AR impressions on social media, thereby amplifying the brand’s influence. Such viral marketing can significantly elevate brand recognition and reputation.

Examples of Successful AR Use in Marketing

Ikea Place:

The "Ikea Place" application stands as a shining testament to how AR marketing can revolutionize retail. This app allows shoppers to visualize how Ikea furniture would fit into their homes before making a purchase. Not only does this enhance the shopping experience, but it also reduces returns and heightens customer satisfaction.

Sephora’s Virtual Artist:

Sephora’s "Virtual Artist" application harnesses AR technology, enabling customers to virtually try on cosmetics. Users can experiment with various products and makeup styles, gaining confidence in their choices. This innovative approach has led to increased sales and brand loyalty.

L’Oreal’s AR Filters:

L’Oreal has embraced AR in marketing in its strategy by creating AR filters for social media platforms. These filters allow users to virtually try out different makeup looks, subtly promoting L’Oreal’s products. It’s an engaging and captivating way to interact with consumers.

How AR Shapes Brand Image

Innovation and Modernity:

By integrating AR into their branding, companies signal to consumers that they are forward-thinking and ready to employ cutting-edge technologies. This helps craft an image of the brand as contemporary, dynamic, and technologically savvy.


Brands that utilize AR often showcase a commitment to delivering value to their customers. The interactive and immersive nature of the AR experience indicates that the brand prioritizes user experience and engagement, which can aid in building a positive brand image.

Creativity and Storytelling:

AR offers brands a unique canvas for creative storytelling. Brands can convey their values, missions, and narratives in a vivid and memorable manner. This shapes the brand’s image not just as a product seller but as a storyteller with a compelling message.
In essence, augmented reality has emerged as a pivotal tool for brands aiming to captivate consumers, craft memorable experiences, and shape a positive brand image. By leveraging AR to enhance engagement, create innovative impressions, and narrate captivating stories, brands can connect with their audience in ways previously thought unimaginable. In subsequent chapters, we will delve into the practical aspects of integrating AR into branding and marketing strategies, offering recommendations and best practices for success.

Areas of AR in Various Industries

Augmented Reality has transitioned from being a novelty to a transformative technology across numerous sectors. Its capability to overlay digital data onto the real world has paved the way for innovative applications that enhance productivity, safety, and user convenience.

Examples of AR Use Across Industries:

Fashion and Retail

Virtual Try-Ons:

Brands like Warby Parker and Ray-Ban offer AR applications that allow customers to virtually try on glasses and sunglasses. This not only elevates the shopping experience but also reduces the need for physical try-ons.

Augmented Shopping:

For instance, Zara’s AR application lets shoppers point their smartphones at store displays to see models dressed in the latest fashion items. This enables customers to view product details and even make instant purchases.

Medical Training and Education:

For example, medical students and professionals use AR to visualize intricate anatomical structures and practice surgical procedures, with tools like Microsoft’s HoloLens being employed in this context.

Medical Visualization:

Surgeons can utilize AR during surgeries to overlay three-dimensional medical images onto a patient, providing real-time guidance for precise operations, enhancing accuracy and reducing risks.

Heads-Up Displays (HUDs):

Many car manufacturers, such as BMW and Audi, equip their vehicles with AR HUDs. These displays project crucial information like speed, navigation, and alerts directly onto the windshield, keeping drivers' focus on the road.

Maintenance and Repair:

Mechanics employ AR glasses to access repair manuals and visual aids when working with intricate car systems, streamlining maintenance tasks and minimizing errors.
Aerospace and Aviation

Aircraft Maintenance:

For instance, aviation engineers and technicians use AR apps to assist in executing complex maintenance and repair procedures. Boeing’s AR Glass provides real-time maintenance data and instructions.

Pilot Training:

In flight simulators, AR is employed to create more realistic training scenarios. Pilots can train in a virtual environment that mirrors real conditions, enhancing their proficiency and safety.

Interactive Learning:

For example, AR applications in education bring subjects to life, allowing students to explore 3D models, historical events, and even conduct virtual scientific experiments. Platforms like Google Expeditions are used for interactive classroom learning.

Language Learning:

AR apps for foreign language learning overlay foreign words onto real objects, aiding vocabulary assimilation. Users can point their devices at objects and receive translations.

Augmented Games:

Pokémon GO is a prime example of an AR game where players explore the real world to find and catch virtual Pokémon, bringing AR to the mainstream gaming scene.

Live Events and Shows:

AR enhances live events like concerts and sports matches, providing audiences with real-time information, augmented visual effects, and interactive features.
Real Estate

Virtual Property Tours:

For instance, real estate agencies employ AR to create virtual property tours for potential buyers. Users can view the property in 3D and assess how furniture and decor would fit.

Architectural Visualization:

Architects and designers use AR for visualizing and presenting building projects to clients in a more engaging and interactive manner.
These diverse examples illustrate how the application of augmented reality is permeating many industries, radically altering professional methodologies, business operations, and consumer perceptions of products and services. The continued evolution of AR technologies promises even more innovative applications in the future, reshaping our interactions with the environment.
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Augmented Reality: Examples of ARKit

In this section, we’ll delve deeper into the framework developed by Apple to create unique and immersive augmented reality experiences on iOS devices. With ARKit, developers can craft apps and games that blend virtual objects with the real world, offering users novel and engaging ways to interact with their surroundings. Here are some examples of ARKit applications:


In augmented reality games like Pokémon GO and Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, ARKit is utilized to place virtual characters and objects in the real world, allowing players to interact with them directly on their device screens.

Education and Training:

In educational apps such as JigSpace, ARKit is employed to produce content that aids students and learners in better understanding intricate concepts by visualizing 3D models right in the space before them.

Retail and Shopping:

In retail apps like IKEA Place, ARKit is used to showcase products in customers' home settings, enabling them to "try out" furniture or decor in their homes before making a purchase.

Design and Architecture:

ARKit is harnessed to create virtual models of buildings, interiors, and other architectural entities, assisting professionals in visualizing and discussing their ideas more effectively.

Museums and Exhibitions:

ARKit is employed to animate exhibits and provide visitors with additional information and interactive experiences.

Social Media Platforms:

ARKit is used to craft interactive and fun filters and effects that users can apply to their photos and videos.

Each of these examples underscores the power and versatility of ARKit as a tool for crafting captivating and valuable augmented reality experiences.
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How to Utilize AR in Marketing

Augmented reality offers marketers a potent tool for innovative and memorable AR marketing engagement with their audience.

Tools and Methods of AR Application

Interactive Product Visualization:

  • Method:
Crafting AR applications or features that allow customers to visualize and interact with products in 3D within their real environment. This is particularly effective for industries like fashion, furniture, and automotive.

  • Tools:
Development platforms for AR such as ARKit (iOS) and ARCore (Android), along with web solutions for AR.

AR Advertising Campaigns:

Designing AR marketing campaigns or experiences that animate advertisements. These campaigns can be deployed in mobile apps, social networks, or even printed materials.

  • Tools:
Software Development Kits (SDKs) for AR and content creation tools.

Virtual Try-Ons:

  • Method:
Offering customers the ability to virtually try on products, such as clothing, eyewear, or cosmetics. This enhances the shopping convenience and reduces the need for physical try-ons.

  • Tools:
AR development platforms with facial tracking and camera integration capabilities.

Location-Based AR Marketing:

  • Method:
Using geolocation data to trigger AR content when a user is at a specific physical location. This can be employed for promotional campaigns, scavenger hunts, and location-based storytelling.

  • Tools:
AR development platforms with geolocation capabilities, such as AR. js and ZapWorks.

AR Games and Contests:

  • Method:
Creating interactive AR games, puzzles, or contests that engage users and offer rewards or incentives for participation.

  • Tools:
Platforms and frameworks for AR game development, like Unity with AR Foundation.

Enhanced Packaging:

  • Method:
Augmenting product packaging with AR markers or QR codes that, when scanned, reveal additional information, animations, or experiences related to the product.

  • Tools:
Tools for crafting AR content and packaging design software.

Advantages of WebAR and MobileAR Applications



It doesn’t require users to download and install a separate application, making it more accessible. Users can access the AR experience directly through a web browser.

Absence of App Store Restrictions:

It isn’t subjected to the approval process of app stores, reducing entry barriers for marketers.

Cross-Platform Compatibility:

It can operate on a wide range of devices with web browsers, including smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers.

Ease of Distribution:

AR content can be easily disseminated through links or embedded on websites, ensuring broad distribution and integration into various marketing channels.

Rapid Updates:

WebAR content can be updated in real-time, without requiring users to download application updates, ensuring the relevance of marketing materials.

Performance and Immersion:

Typically, it offers higher performance and deeper immersion due to direct access to the device’s hardware and software.


It provides greater personalization as applications can be tailored to specific user preferences and behavior, delivering targeted marketing content.

Offline Use:

They often can operate in offline mode, providing access to marketing content even without a stable internet connection.

In-App Purchases:

They can include in-app purchases, subscriptions, or premium content, offering potential revenue sources for marketers.

Location-Based Services:

It can utilize GPS and other device sensors for precise location-based marketing, such as in-store promotions or special offers based on proximity to the user.

Cases: Successful Use of AR in Advertising

Augmented Reality has demonstrated its effectiveness in advertising by crafting immersive and engaging consumer experiences. AR advertising involves overlaying digital content onto the real world, enhancing the consumer’s environment with interactive experiences. Successful campaigns have highlighted the immense creative possibilities that this technology offers.

Examples of successful AR campaigns:

LEGO Hidden Side:

The LEGO "Hidden Side" product line combines physical sets with an AR application. Children can assemble the LEGO sets and then use the app to uncover a hidden virtual world, interact with characters, and complete tasks.
Result: The integration of AR breathed new life into traditional LEGO sets, engaging children in both physical and digital play, boosting sales and user engagement.

Nissan’s AR User Manual:

Nissan introduced an AR user manual for its vehicles. Instead of flipping through a traditional manual, owners can use the app to scan parts of their car, and the app provides information and instructions via AR.
Result: Thanks to the AR manual, Nissan car owners found it easier to understand their vehicles, enhancing user convenience and reducing the frustration of traditional printed manuals.

Coca-Cola's AR Can Design:

Coca-Cola utilized AR to animate the design of its cans. When users scanned the cans using a mobile app, they could interact with animated characters and environments.
Result: This campaign added an element of surprise and delight to the product, making it more appealing to consumers and increasing brand loyalty.

Burger King’s AR Campaigns:

Burger King conducted various AR campaigns, including "Burn That Ad," where users could virtually burn competitors' ads to receive a coupon for a free Whopper. Other campaigns transformed paper bags into virtual race tracks and so on.
Result: These campaigns generated significant buzz, increased foot traffic to Burger King outlets, and showcased how AR can drive engagement and create unforgettable experiences.

Potential Problems and Limitations of AR

Hardware and Device Limitations:

AR capabilities heavily depend on the user’s device capabilities. Older or low-quality devices might not support AR applications or offer subpar experiences.

Battery Drain:

Running AR applications can consume a significant amount of battery charge, which can be a concern for users relying on their devices throughout the day.

User Adoption:

Not all users are familiar with AR technology or feel comfortable using it. Marketing campaigns need to take this factor into consideration.

Content Development Costs:

Creating high-quality AR content can be expensive, especially for intricate applications. This might be a daunting task for smaller companies.

Privacy Concerns:

AR applications often require access to the device’s camera and sensors, raising concerns about data privacy and security.

User Distraction:

While AR can be engaging, it can also lead to distractions, especially in situations requiring full attention, like driving.

Technical Issues:

AR applications can face technical glitches, such as tracking errors or crashes, disrupting the user experience.

Situations Where AR Might Be Ineffective:

Poor Reception by Target Audience:

If the target audience is unfamiliar or uninterested in AR technology, the campaign might not resonate effectively.

Inappropriate Content:

In certain contexts, like discussing sensitive or serious topics, using AR might be seen as inappropriate and counterproductive.

Overly Complex Experience:

An overly complicated AR experience or the need to learn how to use it might deter users from engaging with the content.

Lack of Clear Value:

If AR content doesn’t offer clear value or benefits to the user, interest can wane quickly.

Technical Limitations:

In environments with poor network connectivity or limited device capabilities, AR might not function properly, hindering user efficiency.

How to Avoid Common Mistakes When Using AR in Advertising

Not Setting Clear Objectives:

Before implementing AR, it’s essential to define clear objectives and key performance indicators (KPIs) to evaluate the campaign’s success.

Overlooking User Experience:

Prioritize the user experience, making the interaction with AR intuitive, convenient, and engaging. Thoroughly test the application to ensure its seamless operation.

Neglecting Simplicity:

Maintain the simplicity and ease of the AR experience, especially if the target audience isn’t technically savvy. Excessive complexity can deter users.

Lack of User Training:

Provide clear instructions or tutorials for users who are new to AR. They should easily understand how to utilize this technology.

Failure to Test in Real-world Conditions:

Test AR applications and experiences in real-world conditions to identify and address potential issues before launching campaigns.

Inadequate Marketing and Promotion:

Even the most captivating AR campaign can fail without effective promotion. Invest in marketing efforts to reach the target audience and generate anticipation.

Neglecting Data Privacy and Security:

Address users' privacy concerns by ensuring transparency in data collection and usage. Adhere to privacy regulations to strengthen user trust.
By understanding these limitations, identifying ineffective scenarios, and avoiding common pitfalls, advertisers can effectively harness AR’s capabilities, providing an engaging and valuable experience for their audience while achieving their marketing objectives.


In this article, we delved into the world of Augmented Reality in marketing and advertising. We began by understanding its foundations, differentiating it from Virtual Reality, and the potential it holds in creating interactive and immersive experiences. We highlighted the advantages of AR in advertising, its role in capturing and retaining customer attention, and its ability to shape a brand’s image.

Summary of Key Points use

We explored real-life examples of successful AR applications across various sectors, showcasing its versatility and transformative impact. AR has enhanced the fashion industry with virtual try-ons, revolutionized healthcare through medical training and visualization, and improved automotive maintenance and pilot training in the aerospace sector. Education, entertainment, and real estate have witnessed the use of AR in crafting interactive, memorable, and engaging experiences.

We also discussed how AR can be effectively utilized in marketing, employing tools and methods such as interactive product visualization, AR-driven advertising campaigns, virtual try-ons, and location-based marketing. Furthermore, we looked into the advantages of WebAR and MobileAR, considering their accessibility, compatibility, and personalization potential.

Towards the end, we addressed potential challenges and limitations of AR, situations where it might be ineffective, and how to sidestep common pitfalls when integrating AR into advertising. Understanding these challenges and pitfalls is crucial for maximizing the efficacy of AR campaigns.

Future Prospects of AR in Marketing and Advertising

Widespread Adoption:

As familiarity and ease of use with AR grow, a broader audience is likely to embrace AR advertising and marketing campaigns.

Increased Personalization:

AR offers heightened personalization, allowing marketers to tailor the experience and content to specific users, enhancing engagement and relevance.

Cross-platform Integration:

As AR becomes increasingly accessible, it can seamlessly integrate with various platforms, including social networks, websites, and mobile apps, crafting a comprehensive and captivating user experience.

E-commerce Revolution:

AR has the potential to revolutionize e-commerce, bridging the gap between online and in-store shopping, enabling customers to virtually acquaint themselves with products and make informed purchasing decisions.

New Creative Horizons:

The creative possibilities with AR are boundless, allowing brands to narrate unique stories and craft unforgettable interactive experiences for consumers.
AR is not just a transient trend, but a cornerstone of contemporary marketing strategies in the UAE, providing a nexus between technological sophistication and consumer engagement. The use of AR in marketing within the UAE is evident as we have seen, the adoption of AR by Emirati businesses has led to remarkable campaigns that offer personalized and immersive experiences, reflecting the country’s ethos of luxury, innovation, and technological embrace.

The UAE’s strategic investment in digital infrastructure and its ambition to be a leader in the tech-driven economy have propelled AR to the forefront of marketing efforts, offering a glimpse into the future of consumer-brand interactions. The case studies presented herein underscore the potential for AR to create memorable and effective marketing narratives, fostering a deeper connection between consumers and brands.
One of the effective tools to quickly attract consumers' attention to the product and company are animated videos using AR technology. Our team has been creating meaningful and impactful animated videos for UAE markets in various formats for over seven years. With us, you can familiarize yourself with impressive examples and communicate your goals.

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