When organizing business events it is important to take into consideration the number of participants, the format of the event and the tasks that it has to solve. What are the steps of preparation for the offline event and how does the agency cope with numerous tasks in limited time? Кead in a new article from "Svyazi".

Time of reading: 2 minutes.

The organization of business events can be divided into two parts: preliminary preparation and work at the location. In this article we describe every step from the first meeting to publishing the report materials.

7 steps of organizing an offline event: chaos under control or what is happening off-stage during business events

Step 1: meeting, consulting, briefing
The main aim of the agency during the first meeting with a client is to formulate the goal of the future event and to answer the brief questions.

For this we need:
  1. Make a portrait of the target audience
  2. Choose the format of the event (will it be a conference, a seminar, a symposium, an informal staff meeting,or maybe it will be better to organize an online translation?)
  3. Set the budget of the event
  4. Find out the number of participants, speakers, interactive activities with the audience
  5. Find out if catering is necessary for the location

Having answered these questions, you can make an approximate skeleton of the event and plan of action.

Step 2: creative concept
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We move to brainstorming. The agency team starts developing the creative concept of the event. It should correspond to the goals set for the event and be interesting for the target audience. We brainstorm ideas that come to our minds and develop the best of them.

A few words about the budget plan. We are for honesty, frankness and transparency. We need that our clients understand on what goals their money is spent and don't doubt about the stated price of the services.

The budget plan consists of two parts:payment for subcontractors and payment for the services of agency specialists. The agency gets the commission from the overall budget of the event, we do not hide this fact. But the price of all positions stated in the budget plan (catering, rent, equipment) fully corresponds to the price of subcontractors services. You may be sure that there will be no exaggerated prices. On the contrary, very often we make an agreement with the specialists to pay the "agency" price and lower it using our connections. This way you can get a cool service at a minimum price.

The second part - payment for the services of our specialists: producer, script writer, manager, etc. The cost of their services is stated separately in the budget plan and is calculated by multiplying the amount of time spent on the project by the cost of one hour of their work.

Step 3: preparing the plan of the event and other materials
We already have the budget plan and the creative concept, it is time to work out all the details. At this stage we add the structure and sequencing: we define the duration of the programme and the number of speakers, think of the interaction between the presenter and the audience and interactive activities, plan the timing of the event. Manager of the project establishes the cooperation between the team members and divides the responsibilities.

An important part of the preparation is the creation of content. We help the speakers to choose a topic for the presentation, its core points and the correct model of material presentation. If it is necessary we prepare the presentations, video clips, booklets and other materials.

We pay special attention to branding - develop a signature style and visual concept so that the event looks integral. This helps the event to become recognizable.

When everything is prepared and checked, we meet the client agan and sum up the preliminary results. It is essential to approve the concept and make the necessary corrections.

Step 4: attracting the guests
It is important to understand how we will inform the guests of the event. If the number of the participants is limited, it is necessary to inform every participant of the date, format and place of the event. You can use any communication channel for that.

If we are preparing a conference, we make an approximate portrait of the target audience and organize the flow of participants through any convenient channels: target and context advertising, newsletters to contacts from the database, publishing information on side platforms.

For promotion we create pages in social media, where we post releases, announcements, photos of the event preparation process, present the speakers, etc. The promo page should contain the date, place and start time of the event. It will be one more reminder for the guests.

Step 5: test run
Pay special attention to this step

Regardless of the fact whether you organize the event on your own or with the help of a contractor, it is necessary to make 2-3 test runs, depending on the complexity of the event. The bigger the team taking part in the event, the more coordinated the cooperation between its members should be, the more test runs will be needed.

Before organizing a test run, make a summary table with an access for all the team members. This document should contain the following points:

  1. Detailed script with timing
  2. Column "what appears on the screen"
  3. Processes occurring simultaneously with the translation (for example, sending an informational message to the chat for the participants)
  4. On a separate sheet there should be contacts of every member of the team for emergency cases, as well as links to the materials used during the translation.

Before the test run, create a communication channel for the team because during the translation you will need to communicate promptly. You can use Discord app enabling communication between the team members in the manner of walkie talkie.

When a summary table is ready and the communication between the members of the team is organized, start the test run.

During the test run the following tasks are performed:

  1. Cooperation is established between all those involved into the organization of the event.
  2. Technical part is checked, as well as interactive patterns.
  3. The script is tested, including the timing of every block of the event.

Record all the difficulties that occurred, so that you could make a feedback session after the test run and not repeat the same mistakes during the next test.

After organizing test runs, make a final run 2-3 days before the event. During this final run the team should act as a single mechanism because there will be no more chances of improving anything.

Step 6: holding the event
On the day of the event:

  1. Remind the participants that the event will be held today, if you didn't send them a link, send it.
  2. Contact the speakers and every member of the team to make sure that everyone is available.
  3. Check the work of technical support.
  4. Before the translation starts, check the sound and the quality of the video.
  5. Check the content.
  6. Check the connection in Discord one more time.
  7. All the members of the team should arrive in advance, minimum 1 hour before the event.

Here the preparation process is over, and all that you need to do is to hold an event and enjoy the accomplished work.

Remember that qualitative pre-production is 90% of the success of your event. If you have any doubts, contact professionals.

Step 7: preparing the report materials
Photographers and videographers work at the location. In a few days after the event we send the report materials to the client, which he can analyze, post in social media or share with the participants of the event. By the way, if you need, we can help with it, too. If it is necessary we publish the photo report, promote the video clip or send the case to the festival.