Now, when you understand WHAT is going to happen during your event, ask yourself HOW to realize it. In general, there are two strategies: do yourself or hire an experienced technical contractor. The first option is more difficult and riskier if you don't have experience of organizing online events.
Taking into consideration a big number of issues, it is better to find an experienced technical team. Working with experts you will get the necessary experience and organize future events on your own.
Let's have a look at the plan of action when organizing the technical part of the event:
- Choose a platform.
There are two approaches: first - organize a translation without interaction with the audience, second - organize an event that presupposes interaction with the participants.
In case you decide to make a translation, you need to find a studio and choose a platform for the event (YouTube, VK live or similar services).
If the event presupposes interaction with the audience, the task becomes more difficult. The main criterion for choosing a platform is the realization of interactive mechanics. The majority of such events are now held in Zoom. This platform permits, for example, to demonstrate on the screen other participants of the event, make surveys or communicate in the chat. The number of Zoom functions constantly expands, and if you decide to use it, it is better to consult an expert.
In general, if you don't have any super specific goals, in 99% of cases you can definitely choose Zoom.
After choosing a platform, edit your script, bearing in mind how interactive mechanics will be realized on the platform.
2. Write the route of the participant.
Start with who and how will inform the participants about the event: will it be a newsletter, post in social media or alternative ways. Also, you will need a communication channel where you will be able to quickly pass all the actual information to the participants: where the event will be held, how to prepare for it, etc. Think about how you will send a link for joining the conference to the participants as well as technical support contacts in case they have any difficulties.
If among other platforms you chose Zoom, think about writing an instruction for downloading the app and what is the most important - for adjusting sound and camera settings. Do not hope that everyone will cope by themselves: take care of the people. Also, if except Zoom the participants will need to join the chat, add a link.
3. Organize technical support.
There are always some problems with joining the conference, with sound and video. Organize technical support for users and don't forget to inform them whom to contact if any problems occur.